
Cours d’initiation à la Photographie Module 1

Grundkurs Fotografie | Modul 1: die Fotografischen Grundlagen

Grundkurs Fotografie | Modul 1: die Fotografischen Grundlagen

Basic photography course - English | Module 1: Intensive Beginners Photography Course

Jour: Je. 30.05.2024
Temps: 9am - 16pm
Sujet: Photographie élémentaire
Professeur cours: Marco Felix
Lieu du cours: Zurich
Course Address: Freischützgasse 10, 8004 Zürich
Abonné: 3 à 8
Date limite: Me. 22.05.2024
250.00 CHF
Course Nr.

You've bought yourself a camera (or it's been sitting on the shelf for a long time) and are frustrated with all the buttons and menus? Feel disappointed because the auto mode doesn't allow you to fully exploit your creativity?

Then this course is for you! We will get you familiar with your digital camera in no time and allow you to have more creative control over your photography.

In the morning, you will go through technical basics with the course instructor, so that after the lunch break you will know what ISO, aperture, exposure time, and the different modes like S/Tv, M, P, WB mean. Practice makes perfect! This is why we take you to the streets of Zürich in the afternoon where you can apply the skills you have learnt earlier. We practise on different still and moving motifs and give you hints on how to compose a picture.

At the end of the day, you should be able to operate your camera better and know what the individual functions of your camera mean.

What you will learn that day :

  • Get to know your camera. Learn how it works and all the essential buttons.
  • What the different modes are (Auto, P, A/AV, S/TV, M) and how to use them for best results.
  • You will know the difference between RAW and JPEG formats.
  • Technical aspects of photography. How can I use aperture (f-stops) creatively. What do different shutter speeds do? How does ISO affect a photo.
  • Take control of your focus including the different focusing modes.
  • How to read your built in light meter and get a perfect exposure every time!
  • Start using your camera creatively!

You can find all further information under "Wichtige Informationen"

You don't need any special previous knowledge - just the joy for photography.
Is my camera suitable?
All DSLR cameras from mayor brands, mirrorless and bridge systems from are very welcome. Generally, any digital camera that allows manual exposure should be suitable for this beginners course. If in doubt - please get in touch.
Bring along your camera with the battery well charged. Just to be on the save side also a spare battery or your charger.
The course takes place in (nearly) all weather conditions. Good footwear and clothing adapted to the weather well help you to enjoy your course more!
The course has a minimum number of participants. If this number is not reached, the course will be canceled at least 1 week before the start of the course. Amounts already paid will be refunded in full.

Green = free places -> course not guaranteed
Yellow = Minimum number of participants reached -> Course will take place
Red = Fully booked -> Unfortunately no more places available




Selon la décision actuelle de la Confédération, il n'est actuellement pas nécessaire de porter un masque ou un certificat pour tous les cours.
Nous t'informerons ici au fur et à mesure des modifications et des adaptations.